Tour of our 3 Year Old Permaculture Gardens
Summer 2019 we took a stroll through our gardens and brought you with us!
This was our 4th summer. We focus on mainly perennial agriculture with a side of seed-saving annual beauty. See how abundant the earth can be!
Gardens are beautiful this year. I focused on adding a few more flower varieties like the Taiyo sunflower, Persian carpet zinnia, calendula, multiple kinds of chamomile.. and we “took it easy” and grew a lot of potatoes, beans and other crops that don’t take a lot of tending.
In our third year many of the perennial fruit crops like boysenberries, black raspberries, goumi and goji are finally yielding sizable amounts of fruits- very happy about this! Still waiting on the fruit trees
Lots of basil, tulsi, lavender, chard, mints, St. John’s wort, anise hyssop, purslane and we did have a lot of cucs but they’re fazing out.
Love the gardens~my happy place